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NWR 6th Birthday Parkrun Celebrations!

March 15th, 2020

Can you believe it, Notts Women Runners turn 6 in March! To celebrate an amazing 6 years, we’re going to turn our local parkuns Purple for the month of March 💜

We’ve created events for the parkuns we’re ‘taking over’ throughout Notts. We also have a lot of Graduations happening at the same time so please do come and support our Club by running with us, or volunteering to Marshall at the events and support our runners!

Our Fixtures Member has created ‘events’ for all of the parkruns we’re taking over on our facebook page, so just click on the event you want to attend and let us know if you’re coming! If you’d like to Volunteer then we’ve listed the name/contact email for each parkrun – you’ll need to contact them directly to put your name forward and they’ll be back in touch with you directly. If you’re volunteering then please contact them asap so we have enough time to ensure that each role is filled!

Members of our Committee will be in attendance at events so please do stop us, say hello and help us celebrate being Purple in style!
