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NWR Coronavirus Statement

** Covid 19 (Coronavirus) statement as of 16/03/2020 **

We are aware as a committee that the corona virus is a developing situation and we are following guidance from England Athletics, the government and Public Health England. As it stands on Monday 16th March there is currently no intention to have a blanket closure of NWR runs. However, we are aware that many of our runners and run leaders may be themselves in a high risk group or be in very close contact with high risk groups (family members, carers, work roles). Therefore, we are asking that each run is at the discretion of the run leader/coach as to whether it goes ahead. The run leaders decision is final on this and we ask that all respect this as they need to consider their health and families also.It is also of the decision of each member as to whether they attend and we would ask that all follow government guidance on self-isolation if they are showing any symptoms (new persistent cough and/or high temperature) or feel themselves at high risk.We would also ask that government advice is still followed such as the catch it, kill it, bin it campaign, washing hands regularly and limiting physical contact.We will update as regularly as this is a rapidly changing situation.As ever we as a committee appreciate that a lot of us run for mental health and it could be difficult times ahead so there is some useful hints and tips below to help.Any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to email